Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Using permissions to personalise SiteMap

CRM allows modification of the CRM application navigation structure via SiteMap. This is normally considered to provide one customised navigation structure for all CRM users, with the only difference between what one user sees and what one of their colleagues sees is what they have permission for.

For most entries in SiteMap, whether they are displayed or not depends on the user’s permission on the corresponding entity. For example, if a user does not have Read privileges at any level on the invoice entity, they will not see invoices in SiteMap. However, SiteMap allows more explicit control over what privileges are required to display any link; this is done via the Privilege element.

The following extract from the default SiteMap illustrates how this is used:

<SubArea Id="nav_managekb" ResourceId="Homepage_KBManager" Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_126.gif" Url="/cs/home_managekb.aspx" Client="Web"> <Privilege Entity="kbarticle" Privilege="Read,Write,Create" /></SubArea>
This specifies that the Knowledge Base link in the Services Area should only be displayed to users who have Read, Write and Create privileges on the kbarticle entity.

Privilege elements are interpreted based on these rules:
  • In one Privilege element, the user must have all privileges listed in the Privilege attribute
  • The level of privilege doesn’t matter; user level is sufficient
  • Multiple Privilege elements can be specified for one SubArea; in this case the user needs to fulfil the permissions for every element

There is no requirement for the Privileges element(s) to be related to the entity (or external link) that is displayed.

Using the Privileges element
Given this, it is perfectly reasonable to create multiple SubArea elements in SiteMap that would show similar (but not identical) information, but only display one of them to any given user, based on their permissions. For example, you may have created custom portal pages, but the customer service staff should see a different page from that seen by marketing staff. Showing a different page for each set of users could be achieved with the following entries in SiteMap:

<SubArea Id="nav_portalService" Title="Company Portal" Url="http://server/supportportal.htm" Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_home.gif"> <Privilege Entity=”incident” Privilege=”Create” /></SubArea><SubArea Id="nav_portalService" Title="Company Portal" Url="http://server/marketingportal.htm" Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_home.gif"> <Privilege Entity=”campaign” Privilege=”Create” /></SubArea>

This works providing that support users can create cases (schema name incident) but not campaigns, while the opposite applies to marketing users.

This approach can work well assuming suitable privileges can be found to distinguish between different groups of users, but what if there aren’t any suitable permissions ?

Creating dummy entities for permissions
The Privileges element can refer to custom entities, and there is nothing to stop us creating one or more entities solely for the purposes of personalising SiteMap. For example, we could do the following:

  • Create an entity called dummy_security
  • Grant one role, ‘Support Role’, Write privilege on this entity
  • Grant another role, ‘Marketing Role’, Assign privilege on the entity
  • Ensure users are added to the appropriate role
  • Change the above snippet from SiteMap to the following:

<SubArea Id="nav_portalService" Title="Company Portal" Url="http://server/supportportal.htm" Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_home.gif"> <Privilege Entity=”dummy_security” Privilege=”Write” /></SubArea><SubArea Id="nav_portalService" Title="Company Portal" Url="http://server/marketingportal.htm" Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_home.gif"> <Privilege Entity=” dummy_security” Privilege=”Assign” /></SubArea>

This would give users the correct link, without relying on existing privileges that may change based on changing job roles, or changing business requirements.

The one thing to watch for is to make sure you don’t grant Read or Create privilege on this new entity; this will ensure it will not appear to users anywhere in the normal CRM application. Note that members of the System Administrator role will necessarily see all the SubAreas, because they will automatically have full privileges on all entities.

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