Wednesday 19 November 2008

Using the Reporting Services Execution Log with CRM 4.0

I've contributed another article to the Microsoft CRM Team Blog. This is about making good use of the Reporting Services Execution Log with CRM 4.0 reports.

In the past I've found the execution log to be very useful for getting statistics on when reports were run, and the overall performance. However, CRM 4.0 introduced some complexities around using the log effectively. One issue is that the report name is not stored in Reporting Services, and another issue is that, if you use the Reporting Services connector, then the user name is not recorded in the execution log. The article describes how to resolve these issues.

I've added some support files for this to the MSDN Code gallery


  1. Thanks for doing this David. Considering the number of readers at the CRM Team Blog you are once again published. Now you can apply for tenure? ;o)

  2. Good Stuff! Thanks David.
