Thursday, 12 November 2009

Field Level Security in CRM 4.0 - MS White Paper

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Engineering for Enterprise (MS CRM E2) team have released a detailed white paper describing the supported options for implementing field-level security in CRM 4.0. It is available for download at .

As I was one of the document's technical reviewers, I may be a bit biased in my praise of the document, however one option is missing from it. As a Microsoft document, it concentrates on the supported approaches, but there are also unsupported approaches, such as that taken by c360, which uses an HttpModule to modify the html sent to the client. Personally I dislike this approach, as there is a potentially heavy performance overhead, and it is fragile with respect to future changes in hotfix rollup. However, it is another option that could be considered, and is unfortunately not mentioned in the white paper.


  1. I can not download the file. Please help.

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