I was basing my code on the wsdlbasedproxies example in the CRM 2011 SDK. Once you find it, this code is reasonably well documented.
However, when testing it, I could connect to the IDiscoveryService without problems, but continually got the error 'An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party. See the inner FaultException for the fault code and detail' when connecting to the IOrganizationService.
Ultimately the issue was with the AppliesTo constant. The setup.txt instructions tell you to set this based on data in the
** Update 2012-07-11. IOrganizationService now also uses urn:crmemea:dynamics.com **
private const string AppliesToDiscovery = "urn:crmemea:dynamics.com";
private const string AppliesTo = "urn:crmemea:dynamics.com";
static void Main(string[] args)
//Authenticate the user
SecurityToken tokenDiscovery = Authenticate(UserName, UserPassword, AppliesToDiscovery, Policy, IssuerUri);
SecurityToken token = Authenticate(UserName, UserPassword, AppliesTo, Policy, IssuerUri);
//Execute the sample
string serviceUrl = DiscoverOrganizationUrl(tokenDiscovery, OrganizationUniqueName, DiscoveryServiceUrl);
ExecuteWhoAmI(token, serviceUrl);
Update July 2012: AppliesTo for EMEA should now be urn:crmemea.dynamics.com. See http://mscrmuk.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/using-wsdl-proxies-with-crmonline.html