Friday, 9 November 2007

Changes to code to use CRM 4.0 web services

I've recently been rewriting some of our products for CRM 4.0, and here's a summary of the server-side code changes required when converting code from using the CRM 3.0 web services to the CRM 4.0 web services. Note that this is based on the CTP3 release of CRM 4.0, so may not be accurate for release code.

Use of the CRM 3.0 web service
CRM 4.0 retains the CRM 3.0 web service, along with an implementation of the CRM 3.0 microsoft.crm.platform.callout.base.dll. This allows you, as far as I can tell, to retain code written for CRM 3.0 and have it work with CRM 4.0. So far I've found 2 limitations to this:
  1. If you use the CRM 3.0 Web Service, you will access the default organisation, and will not be able to use multiple organisations. You will also have to use AD authentication
  2. A few of the CRM 3.0 Web Service methods have been deprecated and won't work. The main class of these are those used to manage workflow

If you look in the directory structure of CRM 4.0 you'll see the following:

mscrmservices\2006\CrmService.asmx (used for CRM 3.0 web service access)
mscrmservices\2007\CrmService.asmx (used for CRM 4.0 web service access)

However this post is mostly about the changes you need to make if you are targetting the CRM 4.0 we service.

The CrmDiscoveryService service
The first major differences with respect to the web services with CRM 4.0 is that there is a third web service, the CrmDiscoveryService. This is primarily used to enumerate the organisations in use and provide the connection information for them. This service will be necessary in a multi-tenanted environment; whether you need to use it in a single-organisation on-premise implementation is open for debate (which deserves a separate post).

Setting up the CrmService service
The first key difference is the use of the CrmAuthenticationToken property. This became necessary to accommodate multi-tenancy and the new authentication type. It also replaces the CallerIdValue property. With the Enterprise edition of CRM 4.0 you have to set the OrganizationName; I don't know yet if it will be required in the Professional edition.

So, combining the 2 services above, you have 2 ways to setup your CrmService instance. Both assume the variable Org contains the organisation name. First, without using the CrmDiscoveryService:

CrmService svc = new CrmService();
svc.Url = Server + "/MSCRMServices/2007/CrmService.asmx";
svc.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
CrmAuthenticationToken token = new CrmAuthenticationToken();
token.AuthenticationType = 0;
token.OrganizationName = Org;
svc.CrmAuthenticationTokenValue = token;

Alternatively, you can use the CrmDiscoveryService to retrieve the data required for the CrmService instance:

CrmDiscoveryService disco = new CrmDiscoveryService();
disco.Url = Server + "/MSCRMServices/2007/AD/CrmDiscoveryService.asmx";
disco.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
RetrieveOrganizationsRequest orgRequest = new RetrieveOrganizationsRequest();
RetrieveOrganizationsResponse orgResponse = (RetrieveOrganizationsResponse)disco.Execute(orgRequest);
foreach (OrganizationDetail orgdetail in orgResponse.OrganizationDetails)
 if (orgdetail.OrganizationName == Org)
  CrmAuthenticationToken token = new CrmAuthenticationToken();
  token.AuthenticationType = 0;
  token.OrganizationName = Org;
  crmservice = new CrmService();
  crmservice.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
  crmservice.CrmAuthenticationTokenValue = token;
  crmservice.Url = orgdetail.CrmServiceUrl;

This code uses AD authentication. To use another authentication type, change the url to the CrmDiscoveryService, and change the AuthenticationType property of the CrmAuthenticationToken.

Using the CrmService service
The good news is, almost everything stays the same as before, and there is no need to rewrite code, other than to pass in an Organisation name. However, if you serialise and deserialise entities you'll have to pay attention to the Xml namespaces, as some classes retain the CRM 3.0 Xml namespaces, and some have a new Xml namespace. For example, from the generated proxy code:

public partial class DynamicEntity : BusinessEntity

public partial class account : BusinessEntity

Fortunately for me, the DynamicEntity is only class that I regularly serialise, and the namespace hasn't changed.

Using the MetadataService service
Here, your code has to change, as this has moved over to the Request model with an Execute method. So, for example, the following CRM 3.0 code:

EntityMetadata em = mdSvc.RetrieveEntityMetadata(EntityName.account.ToString(), EntityFlags.IncludeAttributes);

will need to be rewritten as:

RetrieveEntityRequest req = new RetrieveEntityRequest();
req.LogicalName = EntityName.account.ToString();
req.RetrieveAsIfPublished = true;
req.EntityItems = EntityItems.IncludeAttributes;
RetrieveEntityResponse resp = (RetrieveEntityResponse) mdSvc.Execute(req);
EntityMetadata em = resp.EntityMetadata;

Which is longer, but does illustrate one new feature, the ability to choose between the published and the unpublished information.

Another big difference relates to the way labels are used, which comes from the multi-language features. Again, some CRM 3.0 code:

PicklistAttributeMetadata pam = mdSvc.RetrieveAttributeMetadata(EntityName.account.ToString(), "industrycode")
foreach(Option o in pam.Options)
 if (o.OptionValue == 1)

Which becomes:

RetrieveAttributeRequest req = new RetrieveAttributeRequest();
req.EntityLogicalName = EntityName.account.ToString();
req.LogicalName = "industrycode";
req.RetrieveAsIfPublished = true;
RetrieveAttrbiuteResponse resp = (RetrieveEntityResponse) mdSvc.Execute(req);
PicklistAttributeMetadata pam = (PicklistAttributeMetadata) resp.AttributeMetadata;
foreach (Option o in pam.Options)
 if (o.Value.Value == 1)

The Option.Value property is now of type CrmNumber, and there is a Label property that allows access to all localised labels.

The MetadataService also now supports modification to be metadata, but as that's new functionality I'm not going to cover it here.

Using Microsoft assemblies
With CRM 3.0, the only Microsoft CRM .Net assembly you were permitted to reference was microsoft.crm.platform.callout.base.dll. With CRM 4.0, there are 2 assemblies you can reference:

  • Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.dll
  • Microsoft.Crm.SdkTypeProxy.dll

At the moment I've not investigated them fully, as they are not well documented, and subject to change prior to release. The main new feature though is the implementation code for a PropertyBag, which is a collection class that allows, among others, easy manipulation of the properties of a DynamicEntity:

Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.DynamicEntity de = new Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.DynamicEntity();
de.Name = EntityName.account.ToString();
de.Properties.Add(new StringProperty("name", "My Co"));
if (de.Properties.Contains("name"))

This uses a bit of helper code from the Sdk for a partial class for StringProperty with a constructor that takes 2 parameters.

Other changes
One minor annoyance is that both the CrmService and MetadataService classes have classes with the same name, e.g. AttributeType. This means you cannot be as indiscriminate with your use of using or imports statements as I like to be.

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