Friday 9 November 2007

Retrieving Billable time and activity time for cases

When a case is resolved in CRM, the user can specify the amount of Billable Time spent on the case, and they can also see the total activity time spent on the case:

Both sets of information can be useful, and are necessarily stored in the CRM database. However, how you retrieve these figures is not well documented.

Where the data is stored
Data about the case is stored in 3 main entities (note that I'm using the schema name for the entities, and in the schema a case is called an incident):

incident: This is the main case entity, which stores the information you see on the main form, but does not include and of the duration information listed above. The statecode field identifies whether a case is open, resolved or cancelled.

incidentresolution: This is strictly a special type of activity, and stores the user entered data in the Case Resolution dialog. The 'Resolution Type' is stored in the statuscode field, and the user-entered 'Billable Time' is stored in the timespent field.

activitypointer: All activities related to a case have an activitypointer record. The duration of each closed activity is stored in the actualdurationminutes field.

There are a couple of additional complexities to the data storage:
  1. It is possible for a case to have been resolved, then reactivated, and resolved again. This results in 2 incidentresolution records, so you need to identify the correct one. I always go by the most recent
  2. The incidentresolution entity is a type of activity, hence has an associated activitypointer record. Fortunately, this record has no value for the actualdurationminutes, so doesn't affect any calculations of total activity time. However, you do have to be aware of this if you want a count of the number of activities

Retrieving the data
Case data is normally retrieved via reports, and hence SQL queries. The following query shows how to extract the correct Billable Time and Total Activity Time:

select i.incidentid, i.title, ir.actualend
, max(timespent) as BillableTime
, isnull(sum(a.actualdurationminutes), 0) as TotalActivityTime
from filteredactivitypointer a
join filteredincident i
on a.regardingobjectid = i.incidentid
left outer join filteredincidentresolution ir
on i.incidentid = ir.incidentidand ir.statecode = 1 -- Resolved incident resolutions
and ir.actualend = (select max(actualend) from filteredincidentresolution ir2 where ir2.incidentid = ir.incidentid and ir2.statecode = 1) -- Most recent ir activity
where i.statecode = 1 -- Resolved cases
group by i.incidentid, i.title, ir.actualend

A few comments on the query:

  1. I'm only returning resolved cases in this example, but I've used an outer join to incident resolution to make it easy to change the i.statecode filter to include unresolved cases
  2. I'm using isnull on the actualdurationminutes field to return 0 if there is no activity time
  3. If you add any other fields from the case, or related entities (e.g. account), you'll need to add them to the group by clause as well as the select clause, or join to them in a separate query

Displaying the data in CRM
As the billable time and activity time are not stored in the incident entity, they cannot be displayed directly on the case form or in any views. To display this information in the case form, my preferred approach is to create a report using the above SQL query, and display this in an IFrame on the case form, using the techniques described in Writing Reports to display in IFrames

In CRM 3.0 there is no useful way to display this data in a view. In CRM 4.0 this should change, though it may not be as easy as you'd like; CRM 4.0 allows display of related data in a view, but it looks like this is only data from parent entities (e.g. the account to which a case belongs), not the summarised data from child entities that we're discussing here. However, the new PlugIn model allows intercepting of the view data, and should permit such display of child data with a bit of code. This is something I'll be posting on in the future, but it will have to wait till the CRM 4.0 SDK documentation is finalised.

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